Amlfs Medical Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Con – Delicate Material

Porcelain veneers are prone to chipping or cracking over time because the material is delicate. Cosmetic dentists don’t recommend biting your nails, chewing on ice, or grinding your teeth due to damage that can occur. The natural teeth that are in place under the veneers can also continue to decay and aren’t protected from bacteria or decay. Over time, the patient may be at risk of root canals and crowns that are needed.

Pro – Low Maintenance

Porcelain Dental Veneers are low-maintenance, which makes them easy to care for and won’t require extra time cleaning them each day. You can continue your normal routine of brushing and flossing once they’re installed without additional upkeep needed. You also won’t have to worry about stains or discoloration occurring over time because the veneers will maintain their color shade and will continue to appear white. You also won’t have to worry about spending money on teeth brightening treatments or avoiding certain types of food because your smile will continue to be white.

Con – Increased Sensitivity

Some patients may experience increased sensitivity once veneers are installed due to the procedure. You may notice that your teeth become more sensitive when drinking or eating hot or cold foods, which can limit what you eat in your diet. Fortunately, the sensitivity subsides after several days.

Dental veneers are a viable option for those who want to improve the color, shape, or placement of their teeth. By understanding the pros and cons of the procedure, you can decide if it’s the best option for your needs with the help of a dental professional.

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What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty is a term that’s used to refer to any type of surgical procedure that changes the shape or function of the noise. Many people who wonder what is rhinoplasty surgery may be wondering what this procedure entails.

Rhinoplasty can be done for a variety of reasons. Medical reasons are common for people who have difficulty breathing through their nose. It can also be used to correct any disfigurement that’s caused by a birth defect or trauma.

This procedure may also be done for cosmetic reasons. People who have noses that are large or misshapen in some way may choose to have this procedure done.

Meeting with a Surgeon

Before having this procedure done, it’s important to meet with a surgeon to discuss the surgery. A cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon will have to perform a thorough evaluation of the nose in addition to other facial features. After an evaluation, the surgeon will discuss what changes a person wants to make and if those surgical corrections are possible.

The surgeon will also consider a person’s overall health. Some people may be at higher risk for complications and these factors will be discussed at a consultation. Expect to receive information about the risks of surgery, recovery time, and the cost of having rhinoplasty performed.

The consultation will also involve an explanation of the technique used for reshaping the nose. The nose is a fairly complex organ that’s comprised of bone and cartilage. A rhinoplasty can modify cartilage, bone, skin, or all of these features. Review the procedure that will be performed before deciding on this surgical intervention.

What to Expect

Everyone who undergoes a rhinoplasty will be given anesthesia. In some cases, a surgeon will use local anesthesia with sedation. This will have a sedating effect although people are usually slightly awake during the procedure. General anesthesia is a deeper sleep and will be given through an IV line or by inhalation. It will affect the entire body and will cause complete unconsciousness.

Since a rhinoplasty is individualized for each person, there is not one series of steps. Each operation is unique and customized for a person’s anatomy and goals. The surgical procedure may be done inside the nose or the surgeon may make an external incision at the bottom of the nose.

Depending on the structural changes, the surgeon may augment the nasal bone or cartilage in a variety of ways. If the surgeon needs to add additional material to the structure of the hose, they may use cartilage from other parts of the nose or even cartilage taken from the ear. For larger areas, a surgeon may take cartilage from a rib or use implants.

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery

This overview provides a general idea of what rhinoplasty surgery involves and why a person may choose to have this surgery. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to discuss the surgery with a doctor thoroughly beforehand. Rhinoplasty is not a one-size-fits-all approach and will need to be tailored to each person’s anatomy and their goals of surgery.

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Dental Care Tips and AdviceDental Care Tips and Advice

Rinse Frequently

If you want to save your teeth from decay and diseases, you want to get into the habit of rinsing according to most local dentists. Rinsing with plain water every time you eat or snack can help to wash away the sugars and the food particles that often cause bacteria to grow inside the mouth. You can also rinse with salt water to heal any issues that you might have inside of your oral cavity. Rinsing with mouthwash will help too. If you use mouthwash, purchase mouthwash that’s specifically for dry mouth and fights bacteria.

Stay Hydrated

Just staying hydrated improves your health immensely. It can improve your immune system function and ward off bacteria and illnesses. It will also help to keep the inside of your mouth clean every time you drink water. If you don’t appreciate straight water, add lemon to it or make tea with it.

Take Supplements

Calcium and vitamin D can help your teeth to stay strong. However, you may need to take a few supplements if you’re not getting enough of those things in your system. Taking supplements daily can preserve your teeth for years.

Vist the Dentist Regularly

Finally, you must remember to visit the dentist at least once every six months. He will be able to spot the formation of tartar and other issues on your teeth. However, you won’t know these things if you don’t go. Regular dental clinic visits are crucial to your dental health.

Take these tips and use them to keep your teeth healthy. Don’t forget to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

What is Rhinoplasty?What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is considered the most complex plastic surgery that can be performed. After the initial assessment and the surgery choice has been decided, the procedure can begin. By knowing what to expect when you enter the room, you can alleviate some of the anxiety you might feel over this surgery. You will find here a detailed explanation of the procedure you are about to undergo:


You will be seated in the operating room and administered anesthesia when you are prepared. Your doctor will have already discussed the best anesthetic for you; the options are intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Monitoring Your Vitals

The surgeon will pay close attention to your vital signs during the procedure to ensure you kept safe and free from danger, which is a minimal risk during this procedure.

Making the Incision

Depending on the choice of surgery, you will be undergoing either a closed or open procedure. In a closed procedure, the surgeon will make an incision that is hidden in the interior of the nose. If it is an open procedure, the surgeon makes the incision across the columella, which is the tissue that separates your nostrils.


At this point, the surgeon will begin to reshape the structure of the nose. This can include either augmenting the nasal structure with pieces of cartilage from other pieces of the body or reducing the amount of tissue on the nose.

Deviated Septum

Once the nasal structure has been corrected, the surgeon will correct any deviated septum issues.

Closing the Incision

With all nasal corrections complete, the surgeon will re-drape the tissue and the close the incision. Where nostrils corrections are required, the surgeon will make incisions on the natural creases to alter its shape.


You will likely have splints or tubes inserted into the nasal cavity to provide the support needed to help the nose heal. Once you wake, you will be escorted to a recovery area where you will be monitored for a short time. Most patients can leave a few hours after surgery, but in some cases, patients remain overnight.

After the Surgery

Make sure your expectations are in line with reality. A nose can take up to a year to completely settle and take shape it will retain for the rest of your life. You can expect some soreness and to take care of yourself to promote better healing.

Rhinoplasty can completely change the way you interact with the world, especially when you are self-conscious about the way you look. You can help this process move forward with the least amount of stress by learning everything you can about this appearance altering procedure.

In conclusion, don’t hesitate to ask who exactly will be performing the surgery. After all, you can’ trust the most prominent feature of your face in the hands of a greenhorn. You can ask for the qualification or certification which that Rhinoplasty Surgeon has. You can find a lot of valuable information online, so don’t just depend on word of mouth to select a Rhinoplasty Surgeon. If you have made up your mind to brave the knife, then you might as well get the most experienced and skilled surgeon you can find.

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